

英漢字典: get along

1. (cause to) go forward; move on 進展;繼續前進

    The car could hardly get along on the icy surface. 汽車在冰面上難以行駛。

    The sailing boat was getting along fast be fore the wind. 帆船正在順風飛速前進。

2. go;depart走;離開

    We had better get along before the fog gets worse. 我們最好在霧大之前動身。

    It's rather late, and I think I'd better be getting along. 很晚了,我想,我該走了。

3. proceed;advance;make progress進行;進展;進步

    How are the builders getting along with your new house?建築工人把你的新房蓋得如何了?

    My work's getting along much better now. 現在我的工作進展得順利多了。

    How are you getting along with your English studies?你的英語學習進展如何?

4. manage to live or work設法過下去;設法幹下去;對付

    If you work hard, you will get along in that job. 假如你努力工作,你就可以繼續幹下去。

    He managed to get along without much money. 他設法不用多少錢就對付過去。

    The Robinsons only have a small pension,but they seem to get along all right. 羅賓遜一家只有很少的年金,但似乎過得還不錯。

    Don't worry. I'll get along without you. 不要擔心,你不在我能對付。

5. be on good terms;live or work together in a friendly way相處融洽;合作

    He is hard to get along with. 他這個人很難相處。

    We get along with them very well. 我們跟他們處得很好。

    The two brothers don't get along at all. They are very different in character. 這兄弟倆一點也合不來,他們的性格截然不同。

    The couple got a divorce because they could not get along. 那對夫婦離婚了,因為他們處不好。

    Jane has such a bad disposition that nobody can get along with her. 簡脾氣很壞,沒有人能和她合得來。

6. move or convey along 運送;轉交

    I'll get the books along to you as soon as I can. 我一定盡快把書給你送去。

7. advance in age ;advance in time;become old or late上年紀;變老或變暗(常用于進行時態)

    Grandmother is 78 and getting along. 祖母已78歲,上年紀了。

    It was getting along towards sundown when we left the office. 我們下班時,太陽快下山了。

    Although he is getting along,he is still strong and lusty. 他雖然上了年紀,但還是身強力壯。

8. go away走開;滾開

    Get along with you!I don't believe a word of it. 去你的吧!我一點也不信。

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